Call for proposals, Lexique 35


Dear Colleagues

Issue 35 of Lexique (to be published in December 2024) will be devoted to the diachronic perspective in specialised languages. It will therefore welcome research articles on the benefits of studying specialised languages from a diachronic perspective, whether contemporary or short, covering a few years (see Picton, 2014; Peruzzo, 2013 or Picton, Condamines and Humbert-Droz, 2021 for instance), or long, spanning several decades or even centuries (Ducos, 2013; Grimaldi, 2017 or Banks 2009 and Zanola 2014, for instance).

Papers submitted should focus on language, and show the advantages and perharps also the limitations of studying a specialised discourse from a diachronic perspective. The relationship between diachronic perspective and language can be approached from the point of view of terminology, corpus linguistics or discourse analysis; in this context, submissions should develop one of the following points:

- The different transformations that specialised languages can undergo over time (at the semantic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels, etc.) and the different phenomena that can be observed (neology but also terminological obsolescence, synonymy, etc.),

- The role of corpora in the study of specialised discourse over time: type(s) of corpora, different methodologies for exploring diachronic corpora, tool(s), technical and/or methodological limitations,

- Possible uses of the diachronic perspective in the teaching of specialised languages at university level.

Papers can be submitted in French or English, but they may describe studies on other languages than French and English. They should not have been previously published. They should not exceed 55,000 characters (including spaces, figures, tables and references), and contain an abstract written in French and English (2,000 characters for each version), as well as 3 to 5 keywords (also in French and English).

Submissions should follow the guidelines in attachment and be sent in both .pdf and .docx (or .odt) versions to:,,


Banks, D. (2009). Creating a specialized discourse: the case of the Philosophilcal Transactions. ASp, 56, 29-44.

Ducos, J. (2013). Néologies et sciences médiévales, genèse de français de spécialité. Neologica, 7, 13-25.

Peruzzo, K. (2013). Short-period evolution in EU legal texts: old and new terms, old and new concepts. Linguistica, 53(2). 39-53

Picton, A. (2014). The dynamics of terminology in short-term diachrony: A proposal for a corpus-based methodology to observe knowledge evolution. In R. Temmerman & M. Van Campenhoudt (Eds), The dynamics of culture-bound terminology in monolingual and multilingual communication (pp.159-182). John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Picton, A., Condamines, A. & J. Humbert-Droz. (2021). Analyse diachronique du processus de déterminologisation. Une réflexion en diachronie courte en physique des particules. Cahiers de lexicologie, 118(1). 193-225.

Grimaldi, C. (2017). Discours et terminologie dans la presse scientifique française (1699-1740). La construction des lexiques de la botanique et de la chimie. Oxford : Peter Lang.

Zanola M.T. (2014). Arts et métiers au XVIIIème siècle, études de terminologie diachronique. Paris : L’Harmattan.

Important dates:

– submission of the article: March 15 th 2024

– notification: May 15th 2024

– final version of the article: June 15th 2024

– online publication of the articles and the issue: December 2024

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